Near infrared and chemometrics applied to non-Invasive in vivo blood analysis: Overview of lasttwenty years of development.

A blood test is critical to assess overall health and identify possible disorders: anemia, infections, leukemia, diabetes, etc. However, currently available techniques involve invasive blood collection, which is very uncomfortable for patients. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a highly flexible form of analysis that can be applied to a wide range of analytical applications.

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Infrared Thermography in the Hands Applied to the Investigations of Diseases – A Mini-Review

Thermography is knowledge to measure variation temperature in different part of the body and correlate with illnesses. Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a technique that allows for the rapid and non-invasive recording of radiation energy that is released from the body.

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Portable Near Infrared Instruments – A Comparison Study

Abstract The fast progress in miniaturization of near infrared (NIR) spectrometer has taken advantage oftechnologies. We have developed a new technology enable of analyzing blood without blood - Progenos® instrument.…

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